Support your local Lions Clubs and your community
Buy Lions’ famous traditional Christmas Fruit Cake.
Lions are ordinary men, women and young people from all walks of life.
We are united in our desire to make a difference by contributing our personal time and talents to help other people.
We bridge political, economic, religious and social boundaries.
2024 Online Sales opens on the 1st September.
Deliveries from the 9th September.
Public, Businesses & Not-for-Profit Organisations.
Can either buy through a local Lions Club or by buying online - right here.
Either way all Net profits all go back to local Lions Clubs.
Public, Businesses & Not-for-profit organisations buy here and support your local Lions Clubs.
Lions Christmas cakes – A perfect festive tradition
Back in 1971, New Zealand Lions Christmas Cake was born. Now, more than half a century later, our Cake has become an annual nation-wide favourite. Moist, fruity, delicious. Enjoy it now, at Christmas, next year or the next.
Our cake has a shelf life of no less than two years. Did we say it tastes delicious? Of course!
Lions Christmas Cakes are available mainly from this website OR Lions Clubs and Lions Clubs’ members all over New Zealand.

Support Lions Child Mobility Foundation (CMF) - by buying Lions Christmas Cakes.
We Serve for the children, so they may walk.
The Lions Clubs New Zealand Child Mobility Foundation (CMF) supports children who suffer from Cerebral Palsy, Spina Bifida or similar disabilities. Providing help for children with mobility problems.
Businesses, Lion Clubs and the Public can support CMF - buy Lions Christmas Cakes this year by buying Lions Christmas Cakes below. Simple. Net proceeds go to CMF.
For much more information about CMF go to CMF website - click here.
Public, Businesses & Not-for-profit organisations buy here and support Child Mobility Foundation (CMF).
Lions Christmas Cakes - Supporting CMF
A Quality Cake
Rich and fruity
Full of flavour – not crumbly
Moist 1kg cake – 15 x 15 x 5 cms - plenty to share with family & friends
Minimum 2-year shelf life
Great Value! – Premium quality for a competitive price
Delivered to your door.
Businesses around NZ are supporting Lions Clubs
Business and other organisations around NZ support Lions Clubs by “Christmas gifting” Lions Christmas Cakes to Staff and Clientele.
Cakes cost just $25 each (including GST & delivery) and come in cartons of twelve.
View the video to see why businesses see the value in ordering Lions Club Christmas Cakes.
Thanks for supporting Lions Clubs Christmas Cakes
We are community volunteers who roll up our sleeves to help young people, the elderly, the ailing, the needy and our environment. In terms of our time on projects and money raised, it is estimated that Lions Clubs have contribute hundreds of millions of dollars over the years for charitable organisations here and in the Pacific Islands.
We are proud that every dollar earned from the public goes to a Lions Clubs charitable cause. We do not take a percentage of the money for our own purposes. All monies earned are used exclusively for charitable purposes.
People who live in the community know their communities’ needs best: because each Lions Club is autonomous (although part of the wider Lions family), decisions about community projects are made at a grass roots level. Lions’ projects tend to be very hands-on: Lions actively work alongside charitable and welfare organisations that we support.

Lions in New Zealand
To learn more about Lions activities in the community click here.
Image from the New Zealand Website below.

Quick links
Contact Us
Lions Clubs Christmas Cakes Committee
Lions Club of Middle Districts Charitable Trust
PO Box 1504